What Was I'm No Longer Here (Ya No Estoy Aquí) (2019) About

1. Not Your Average Immigration Story: “Ya No Estoy Aqui” & the ...

  • 23 feb 2021 · I'm No Longer Here explores the alienation that happens in forced migration and the fight for holding on to one's culture when surrounded by assimilation.

  • Set in Jackson Heights, Queens, Mexico's entry for Best International Feature Film at the 2021 Oscars explores the alienation that happens in forced migration and the fight for holding on to one’s culture when surrounded by assimilation.

2. 'I'm No Longer Here' Review (Ya No Estoy Aquí) - Variety

  • 29 mei 2020 · The helmer of HBO's 'Los Espookys' delivers a serious, sensitive look at Monterrey's Cholombiano subculture through the eyes of an endangered cumbia dancer.

  • The helmer of HBO's 'Los Espookys' delivers a serious, sensitive look at Monterrey's Cholombiano subculture through the eyes of a dancer.

3. I'm No Longer Here movie review (2020) | Roger Ebert

4. 'I'm No Longer Here' ('Ya no estoy aqui'): Film Review

  • 25 mei 2020 · On an empty mountain road on the outskirts of town, Ulises (Juan Daniel Garcia “Derek”) says a hurried farewell to his girlfriend Chaparra ( ...

  • The director of HBO's 'Los Espookys' observes the vibrant Cholombiano dance and fashion subculture in Monterrey, Mexico, and the solitude of a teenager sent across the border to escape gang violence in Netflix's 'I'm No Longer Here.'

5. Here's Why "Ya No Estoy Aquí" Is an Important Film About Mexico

  • 19 feb 2021 · Ya No Estoy Aquí offers an honest look into an unknown part of Mexico, exploring the impact of culture on identity and the Mexican diaspora.

  • Ya No Estoy Aquí offers an honest look into an unknown part of Mexico, exploring the impact of culture on identity and the Mexican diaspora.

6. 'I'm No Longer Here' review: Mexico's beautiful Oscar submission

  • 26 feb 2021 · Fernando Frias de la Parra's 'I'm No Longer Here' follows a young man from Northern Mexico to New York City, and is Mexico's entry for this ...

  • Fernando Frias de la Parra’s 'I’m No Longer Here' follows a young man from Northern Mexico to New York City, and is Mexico’s entry for this year’s international feature Oscar.

7. 7.9.2021 Susy's review of "Ya No Estoy Aquí" (2019)

  • 9 jul 2021 · In this 2019 movie, Ulises follows in the steps of many before him; a risky journey across the Mexican American border to survive.

  • “No entiendo” (I don’t understand) – these are the words repeated by Ulises (played by Juan Daniel Garcia), a seventeen year old from Monterrey, Mexico, throughout the coming-of-age drama, “Ya No Estoy Aquí” (I’m No Longer Here ) by Mexican director Fernando Frías de la Parra. In this 2019 movie, Ulises follows in the steps of many before him; a risky journey across the Mexican American border to survive, except this time, Ulises isn’t searching for a better life, rather he’s running away from a life of violence.

8. Review: Ya no estoy aquí (Fernando Frías)

  • 1 jun 2020 · Ulises is a 17-year-old kid who leads a local gang, Los Terkos, formed by a handful of teenage boys and girls. The group pledges allegiance to ...

  • Editor's note: at the end of last year when there were still film festivals being held, we had an interview with Mexican director Fernando Frías at the

9. I'm No Longer Here | Rotten Tomatoes

  • After a misunderstanding with a local cartel, a young man is forced to leave behind his family, friends and everything he loves.


  • A small street gang named "Los Terkos" spend their days listening to slowed down cumbia music and attending dance parties, showing off their outfits, ...

  • Written, Produced and Directed by Fernando Frias de la Parra

11. Ya no estoy aqui - cinema - VPRO Gids

  • 29 mei 2020 · De zeventienjarige Ulises, hoofdpersoon van dit Mexicaanse drama, is bezeten van Colombiaanse cumbiamuziek, mits die vertraagd wordt afgespeeld ...

  • De zeventienjarige Ulises, hoofdpersoon van dit Mexicaanse drama, is bezeten van Colombiaanse cumbiamuziek, mits die vertraagd wordt afgespeeld, ‘want dan voel je het beter’. Voor de film zelf geldt iets dergelijks: die heeft een lijzig tempo, maar kruipt daardoor des te meer onder de huid. Ulises is de leider van een (vreedzame) jeugdbende in de stad Monterrey, met een heel eigen haardracht, kledingstijl en manier van dansen. Na een aanvaring met lokale gangsters moet hij vluchten naar de VS. Fascinerend portret van een obscure subcultuur, prachtig gefilmd, vol prettig onderkoelde humor en tragiek.

What Was I'm No Longer Here (Ya No Estoy Aquí) (2019) About
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.